The Shahadat Of Imam Hussain, Karbala And Islam By: Prof. Neelam Mahajan Singh

The Shahadat Of Imam Hussain, Karbala And Islam 

By: Prof. Neelam Mahajan Singh 

The story of 'shahadat of Imam Hussain' is a saga of self sacrifice for the cause of truth and humanity. Imam Hussain was the grandson of Prophet Muhammad and son of Imam Ali and Lady Hazrat Fatimah (daughter of the Holy Prophet). Prophet Muhammad adorned Imam Hussain and credited him with celestial powers during his lifetime. However fifty years later, he was brutally massacred for refusing to side with a corrupt tyrant Yazid. After the death of Muawiya, the son of Abu Sufiyan, his son Hurr-Ibn-Yazid, became the Caliph. The 'Hussain Day' is observed in every part of the world, to pay obeseience to the sacrifices of Imam Hussain. It is believed that Imam Ali was planning to reach Baluchistan via Iraq and Iran. 
Indian Muslims observe Muharram for two months and eight days, starting from the month of Muharram, while other countries mourn for one month. No celebrations, functions, marriages etc. take place during Muharram. The muslim women don't wear any jewellery and dress soberly. Infact denial of Caliphate to Imam Hussain was in direct contradiction with the conditions of the truce that 'Muawiya had signed with Imam Hussain'. Hurr-Ibn-Yazid came to power and the 'Articles of the Truce were broken'. 
Yazid began demanding allegiance from Imam Hussain in order to get support and legitimacy for his rule. Imam Hussain refused to give his allegiance to Hurr-Ibn-Yazid. The situation in Medina became dangerous for Imam Hussain's life, and he had no choice but to leave the city along with his family for Mecca. When he arrived in Mecca, Imam Hussain was urged by the residents of 'Kufa', who were demanding that Imam Hussain should come to their city so that they could assist him in over throwing Yazid. 
A great deal of deliberations took place between Imam Hussain and his companions, although the most senior figures in Mecca told Imam Hussain to abandon his journey to 'Kufa'. Imam Hussain, with his knowledge and wisdom, believed it was necessary to head towards Kufa, as many people had written to him and requested for his presence. Earlier Imam Hussain had also sent his cousin, Muslim-Bin-Aqil, to evaluate the situation on ground in Kufa. During Imam Hussain's tedious journey to Kufa, he stopped at Jabala, where he was informed about the events that were unfolding in Kufa. Ubaidullah-Ibn-Ziyad, of Yazid's camp cast terror amongst the loyalists of Imam Hussain. Yazid arrested Muslim-Bin-Aqil and executed him. Many supporters of Imam Husain were in shock and terror, who eventually retracted on their request to Imam Hussain. The India Islamic Cultural Centre, New Delhi organised a memorial on; 'Imam Hussain - Karbala and Islam'. Dr. S. M. Asghar, Chairman of Department of Shia Theology, Aligarh Muslim University, Prof. Towqueer Alam, Dean, Faculty of Theology, AMU, Maulana Athar Kazmi gave their tributes to Imam Hussain, in a jam packed audititorium. The Nizamat of the programme was done by Saleem Amrohi. Mohtaram Salman Khurshid, President, Mohammad Furkan, Vice President, Qamar Ahmed, IPS, ex Special Commissioner of Delhi Police. Qamar Ahmed is Member of the Board of Directors, IICC. He meticulously organized this spiritual evening of thanks giving to Imam Hussain for his Shahadat. Mohtaram Sirajuddin Qureshi, ex President of IICC and Member of the Board of Directors paid his homage to Imam Hussain. Imam Hussain was blocked in doing so, by a battalion sent by Ibn Ziyad, led by Hurr-Ibn-Yazid. Hurr-Ibn-Yazid prevented Imam Hussain from entering the city and did not allow him to return back to Madina either. His battalion forced Imam Hussain, his small group of followers and family members to move towards deserted and barren land of 'Karbala', which they reached by the 2nd day of Muharram 61 Hijri. Once Imam Hussain arrived in Karbala, Ibn Ziyad sent a large regiment of soldiers led by Umar Ibn Sa'ad, to confront Imam Hussain. A few days of deliberation and exchange took place until on the 7th day of Muharram. The army of Umar Ibn Sa'ad blocked access of Imam Hussain and his family to the river, for drinking water. Imam Hussain repeatedly refused to accept the supremacy of Yazid. He chose martyrdom over this humiliation of having to give allegiance to a suppressive tyrant. 
An all out battle ensued, resulting in the martyrdom of Imam Hussain, along with his family and companions in the most brutal manner. The womenfolk and children were later taken to Damascus (Syria) in the presence of Yazid. Imam Hussain advocated social justice and the need for selfless leadership. The Battle of Karbala (Arabic: مَعْرَكَة كَرْبَلَاء, romanized: maʿraka Karbalāʾ) was fought on 10 October 680 (10 Muharram in the year 61 AH of the Islamic calendar) between the army of the second Umayyad Caliph Yazid I (r. 680–683) and a small army led by Hussain Ibn Ali, at Karbala, Sawad (modern-day southern Iraq). Many of Imam Hussain's family members were taken prisoners and ill treated. Prior to his death, the Umayyad Caliph Mu'awiya (r. 661–680) had nominated his son Yazid as his successor. Upon Mu'awiya's death in 680, Hurr-Ibn-Yazid demanded allegiance from Hussain and other dissidents. This battle was a start of the Second Fitna, during which the Iraqis organized two separate campaigns to avenge the death of Hussain; the first one by the Tawwabin and the other one by Mukhtar al-Thaqafi and his supporters. The Battle of Karbala galvanized the development of the pro-Alid party (Shi'at Ali) into a distinct religious sect with its own rituals and collective memory. It has a central place in Shi'a history, tradition, and theology, and has frequently been recounted in Shi'a literature. For the Shi'as, Hussain's suffering and death became a symbol of sacrifice in the struggle for right against wrong, and for justice and truth against injustice and falsehood. Sunni Muslims likewise regard the incident as a historical tragedy. Imam Husain and his companions are widely regarded as martyrs by both Sunni and Shi'a Muslims. The Nagar Muslims are a Muslim community found in the state of Uttar Pradesh in India. They are Muslim converts from the larger Nagar Brahmin community. The Nagar are also known as Nagar Shaikh. Hussaini Brahmins are a small faction of the Saraswat Mohyal Brahmin community of the Punjab region. The Mohyal community comprises seven sub-clans named Bali, Bhimwal, Chhibber, Dutt, Lau, Mohan and Vaid. As consistent with their Hindu tradition, they have adopted few non-Indic traditions. This has led to a small sub-set of the Hussaini community paying reverence to Islamic practices, most notably to Imam Hussain. According to another tradition, Hurr-Ibn-Yazid's troops had brought Imam Husain's head to their ancestor's home in Sialkot. In exchange for his head, the ancestor exchanged his own sons' heads. Famous Hussaini Brahmins include Urdu writers Kashmiri Lal Zakir, Sabir Dutt, and Nand Kishore Vikram, Sunil Dutt etc. Both Sunni and Shia Muslims observe Muharram, which is remembered as martyrdom of the grandson of Prophet Muhammad in the battle of Karbala in 680 CE. This year the Ashura began from the evening of July 16, 2024 and was observed till this week. The Imams were buried in Karbala, Najaf and Mashhad. Not just Sunnis visit these Holy places but believers of all the religions are permitted in these shrines.
Wahhabism advocates a purification of Islam, rejects Islamic theology and philosophy developed after the death of the Prophet Muhammad, and calls for strict adherence to the letter of the Koran and Hadith, the recorded quotes and practices of the Holy Prophet. They do not observe Muharram. In retrospect, a 'Karbala' is created in every city of the Muslim countries and even in India. These spiritual centres are in the memory of Battle of Karbala. The holy city of Karbala is in central Iraq, about 62 miles south-west of Baghdad. It's located near Lake Milh, known as 'Razzaza Lake'. During the Islamic month of Muharram. In retrospect in today's divisiveness, Imam Hussain's martyrdom teaches us five important lessons, the significance of sacrifice, the power of faith, the essence of upholding the values for community, the value of patience and perseverance. These are the guiding beacons of humanism. 
Today, 13th September 2024 is Eid e Zahra (SA) and Mubarak to all.
Prof. Neelam Mahajan Singh 
(Sr. Journalist, Author, Columnist, Solicitor for Human Rights Protection and Philanthropist)
